Our Services

Insurance Verification

No more paying someone $15-20 per hour to sit on hold with an insurance company.

Outbound Calls to Online Form Submissions

Marketing becomes an expense rather than an investment if your team doesn’t follow up right away.

Fax Referrals Task and Follow Up Management

If you’re a busy practice you know you never want your faxes to pile up.

Pre-Certification for Surgery Insurance Calls

Knowing how long one has to wait on hold to speak with someone, we suggest you outsource these calls.

Patient Care Calls To Keep Them on Track

Insurance companies require patients to complete a series of practitioner meetings prior to surgery approval. Let us help you patient coordinator.

Overall Process Improvement

We go beyond the filling a spot for you. We will review your workflow and processes and become a resource for additional insights for improved efficiency without losing your caring touch.

Contact Us To Learn More

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